Women And Individualization In Vietnam

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After the idea of individualization was introduced into Vietnam, the society has changed from the patriarchal view into the acceptance of independence, and it has also allowed women to obtain a divorce and remarry. Based on the Confucianism, the society put “a high value” on female which required women to be obedient to men (Bland, 2011). More than that, women could not relate to any works or be able to make decisions, excluding housework. However, since the idea of individualization spread into Vietnam, the society has tended to allow women to be independent. According to Ben Bland, “This nascent social transformation [divorce] is being driven by women, who make up the majority of divorce petitioners, with economic pressures, lifestyle differences,…show more content…
Before, although women were in the poor marital status relating to domestic abuse or infidelity, they did not have to or want to divorce because they had no understanding about the concept of individualization. In other words, women did not comprehend the freedom of choice. However, individualization came and changed the women’s awareness. A recent research declared that women in Asia are keen on confronting with “conservative values” both traditionally and socially through the growing in divorce rate (Bland, 2011). Women no longer suffer for the marriage; instead, they are able to divorce and even remarry. With time, the step-family appears and becomes common in…show more content…
The transformation from patriarchal concept into the Westerner’s idea is the main factor that leads to the effects on family structure. Industrialization produced more jobs for women, which help to raise the role of women in the society and loosen the family relationships. At the same time, industrialization increased the need of living expenses and forced widows to remarry. On the other side, individualization forced the society to admit the independence and freedom of women. Also, with changes in law system, equality extended the concept of women’s rights. Consequently, according to Peter Dean in his study about the continuity and changes in the family structure in Vietnam, “The future for the traditional family structure remains unclear. What is certain is that Vietnam’s economic and cultural transformation shows no sign of abating and it is within this context that the traditional family structure must develop and change [into nuclear family] to meet the needs of the “new” Vietnamese way of life”

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