Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Research Paper

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Music 204- Perspectives Sandeep Giri Dr. Thomas Huebar Date- October 4, 2015 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Born Jan 1756 – 5 Dec 1791), Salzburg, Austria was a famous composer who created strings of operas, concertos, symphonies and sonatas that deeply shaped classical music. He is widely recognized as one of the greatest composers in the history of classical music. Mozart was lucky to be born in musical family. His father Leopold was a court musician and composer who wrote a significant dissertation on violin playing. At an early age Mozart had an extraordinary talent and started playing in public at the age of 6. He travelled all around the world with his father where he met a number of accomplished musicians and became…show more content…
It was conducted by Wilhelm Hans Steinberg, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. The First movement opens with an intense theme of the violins that establishes the home key to G minor. It has three sections exposition, development and recapitulation. B) The Marriage of Figaro The Marriage of Figaro is an opera buffa in four acts composed in 1786 by Mozart in collaboration with Italian libretto written by Lorenzo Da Ponte. It is the first of the collaboration with Da Ponte, who also scripted Dan Giovanni and Cosi fan tutte. Figaro is based on a play by Beaumarchais that had been banned by the French monarchy and which only had its premiere in 1784.The Marriage of Figaro appears in the top ten list of opera base that is mostly performed throughout the world. I listened to the piece that was conducted by an unknown symphonic orchestra. Citations: “The Western Classical Tradition.” BBC News. BBC. Web. 5 Oct. 2015. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/music/western_tradition/mozart_symphony5.shtml “The Marriage of Figaro (LE Nozze Di Figaro) Overture/ LA Phil.” The Marriage of Figaro (LE Nozze Di Figaro) Overture / LA Phil. Web. 5 Oct. 2015. http://www.laphil.com/philpedia/music/overture-to-marriage-of-figaro-wolfgang-amadeus-mozart

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