February 19, 2015 All Kinds of Pressure The most important thing in these days is college; anywhere you go the first question you get asked is about your education. Just the idea of that puts a lot of pressure on college students, to think it is the one thing that decide if an individual is going to succeed or fail in life. By that I mean getting rich or not ignoring the things they love to do. In the essay “College Pressures,” William Zinsser claims that the pressure on college students is under four main
Contrast essay is a paper that evaluates two different ideas or things. For instance, when you are asked to evaluate a recent car’s performance, you would have to list the advantageous and disadvantages of the model. The evaluation would be more effective if you compare it with a previous model, it would allow the reader to form an analogy with the new vehicle. Compare- Contrast essays allow the audience to visualize the similarities between to similar, yet different, objects. A Division essay, on the
Employed college students experience an immense amount pressures, yet manage to find a way to cope. For instance, they may face family, work, or academic complications that may overwhelm them with various amounts of pressure. Even though pressure can cause challenges in an employed college students life, there are still different ways that they can overcome these problems. Coping with tremendous amount of pressure can greatly help employed college students. One pressure that employed college students