William Golding's Lord Of The Flies: Literary Analysis

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“A naval officer stood on the sand, looking down at Ralph in wary astonishment” (Page 180). This is where Golding leaves the reader pondering on other unresolved results of the book. The beginning of the boys finally getting rescued is shown in these last pages. They have been found and saved by a Naval Officer. Ralph has nothing else to do but sob, he cannot wrap his mind around what is going on. The struggle to keep peace and civilization on the island was the biggest issue for the boys throughout the book. With Simon and Piggy dead, the island is Ralph verses the hunters. Where Ralph ends up being the next victim for the hunters. Leaving the Naval Officer discovering the boys on the island. In the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding proves how all great literature ends by resolving the central conflict, but leaving other conflicts unresolved; which leaves the reader excogitating about the characters actions and behaviors. While reading the book William Golding writes with vivid detail. From the beginning of the book the boys started off civilized and uniformed. They all had one mindset, and that was to be rescued. As the book goes on, the boys begin to lose this mentality. While Ralph is on his own in the end of chapter twelve, he is struggling for survival against the hunters. Being…show more content…
He gives very little hint as to what will become of the boys. Although the end of the book is satisfying for the reader, with all the boys sobbing and the officer unclear on what happened to the boys the whole time they’ve been on the island. The boys, however, have lost their innocence and matured from their experiences. They had to find a way to survive until they got rescued, which meant living through the deaths of Piggy and Simon and finding ways to eat and sleep. Golding proves his point by the end of the book. He does this by, leaving the theme of the novel pondering in the readers

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