Why Was The American Civil War Wrong

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Most believe the American Civil War was a good decision; seeing as it assisted in ending slavery and settled other disputes between the North and South. On the other hand, people saw it as a waste of time to let the fighting go on for so long. It was an incorrect decision because it was family against family, one of the bloodiest wars of America, and the aftermath was unbearable to some. One reason the Civil War was an incorrect decision is that this war was family against family. For example, Alexander Campbell, a federal, and James Campbell, a confederate, were brothers that ended up fighting against each other in Secessionville, South Carolina. James tried to meet up with Alexander at the boundary line after the first battle and was denied…show more content…
The Civil War came to a total of approximately 620,000 deaths. 135,000 deaths came from the Union with 110,000 from fighting in combat and around 250,000 from other factors such as infection and disease,captivity, and weather. The confederates had a total of 280,000 deaths with about 95,000 from combat and 165,000 from other factors. The biggest death toll in a battle was The Battle of Gettysburg with a total of about 51,000 deaths. Statistic prove that one out of four soldiers never came home. With so many deaths soldiers did not get a proper burial and were just wrapped up and laid side by side their brothers who died. Some men who lost sons went off to fight in place of their son or vice…show more content…
When a woman who became widowed in the south was then thought to take on the responsibility of supporting their families and the Confederacy. This involved housing the soldiers and getting jobs, doing farm work, and other roles men of the house would play. Some women went off to fight fight on the front lines even though that was not permitted. As many as 400 women disguised themselves as men and were able to enlist and fight. Since there was so many young teenages that has lied about their ager and looked very young women would bound there breast and looked as though they was young men; this made it easy for women to fight. Since they disguised as men they were treated as men and performed the same task at hand. Most women were nurses or spies and set up spy systems throughout the states(Rown). Women who fought in the war were often seen as unbalanced lesbians erotic patriots who wanted to be Joan of Arc, some women did espouse a passion, on occasion described as “unadulterated patriotism,” for their country, not unlike many men who served beside them. Many men soon discovered that females were fighting beside them but said nothing because if a women got caught death could have came upon
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