Why Do Pennies Have The Same Mass

257 Words2 Pages
If pennies were minted from different time periods, then the pennies’ masses would be unalike because minters applied various quantities of copper to mint pennies in particular time periods, which altered the mass of pennies. The purpose of this experiment was to determine if pennies from numerous time periods have the same mass. The hypothesis established that in different time periods, pennies would have inconsistent masses, which was supported by the data. To begin with, the mass (grams) of penny 1 from 1979-1982 decreased by 19.4% in 1983-1986. Additionally, the average mass of pennies from 1978 and earlier to 1982 was above the average mass of pennies from 1983 to the present by 0.6 grams, as can be seen in the graph. The bars in

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