Why Biology Important

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Learning Target 1: Being a Scientist - Hayden Cole - 250 Biology Final Affirmation: You and the Science of Biology ** Must be typed and uploaded to schoology. Include a screen shot of your paper rater score** In this Evaluate activity, You and the Science of Biology, you will think about how the information you learn in science class applies to society. Imagine yourself doing one or more of the following: ◆ understanding the choices a doctor offers for treatment of an illness ◆ deciphering nutritional information on a food package label ◆ voting on an issue involving science and technology ◆ serving on a jury that has to listen to an expert describe DNA evidence ◆ deciding whether or not to support the construction of a new dam These…show more content…
Everyday people use skills that are important to their daily lives. Communicating with others, reading nutritional information, and making informed decisions. Even when we utilize these skills, we don't always realize it, and this is how biology is in use now. We use it every day and knowing more about the study of biology helps you in your daily life. If you are more informed in the area of biology and have been able to utilize these skills in class, you will be able to use them in your everyday life and this can help you greatly. Learning to communicate your scientific findings with your peers in biology teaches you how to communicate effectively in life. Being clear and concise as well as organized is a skill that everyone should strive towards. Learning to be able to read facts on a data table or graph shows that you can interpret data and this is useful in your life if you work in a job that requires that skill or even in your daily life. There are numerous other skills that biology teaches you and the study of biology now is making people more skilled and informed. The study of biology in the future My response - People will have to be more informed in the future and the study of biology will be very important in accomplishing that. Using the skills that biology teaches you, like communicating, hypothesizing, analyzing etc, are skills that you can use in other facets of your…show more content…
While the skills that we are taught through biology are extremely important and helpful, it is up to the people and how they think that discovery is made. I will say that in the right people, yes, biology has no limits to what can be discovered. Biology itself might not be able to tell you exactly what may be going on, or what to say to others, or if something is a good option, it is up to people who have learned and used these skills that true discovery is made. Even with biology, people who may not be as focused and have not utilized these skills before will not always be able to come up with the best results. Analyzing and interpreting complex data is hard, but it is easier with biology and someone who has utilized complex skills before will be able to analyze it better than that person who has
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