Who Is The Fool In The Great Gatsby

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“Old Money” empowers one to write, break, and rewrite the rules of society with reckless abandon. Those within grasp of said club have permission to join, for the price of their souls. Those within reach but not grasp, may die trying. But few people are themselves, altering their personalities to the preferences of their desired social class. Although Daisy's statement "that the best thing a girl can be in this world is a beautiful little fool" (17) portrays a sardonic philosophy, F. Scott Fitzgerald demonstrates that by conforming to such restrictions of their era, women were able to attain their status in society. Daisy has to become a “beautiful little fool” to attain her advance. Instead of allowing herself to continue loving Gatsby, she…show more content…
As a simple, married, working woman, she desires to enjoin the wealthy lifestyle. When Nick first mentions Myrtle, he describes that, "her face...contained no facet or gleam of beauty, but there was an immediately perceptible vitality about her" (25). In many contexts, this would be a compliment, a description of a motivated and determined character; but the standing that Myrtle wishes to procure does not value this trait. To fulfill the role of the wealthy woman, she must put on the act of being the giddy, beautiful girl with a charming smile. Myrtle tries to act this way at the hotel, after she changes clothes for the second time. Nick recalls that as soon as she changed into her "afternoon dress of cream-colored chiffon" (30), that "with the influence of the dress her personality had also undergone change" (30). The reader sees how Myrtle tries to conform to the behaviors that she believes the wealthy require. Thus her "intense vitality...converted into impressive hauteur" (30). Myrtle still has a skewed view on the concept of the aristocratic attitude. Her struggle for approval demonstrates an act of vitality, not an act of
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