Who Is Montresor The Perfect Crime

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Is there really such a thing as “the perfect crime?” In Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado” there is strong evidence that the main character, Montresor, has in fact committed the perfect crime. This is a dark tale of an insane man who suffers from “the thousand injuries of Fortunato.” (226) Poe manages to create a narrator who is able to manipulate and kill another man while keeping a very calm voice explaining to the audience how perfectly justified he was in committing these horrible acts. He wanted to get away with his revenge, whatever it would be. The motives behind Montresor’s vengeful actions are, in his mind, very good ones. Even with clear motives, he is still quick to think. Once the audience is aware of his intention to kill Fortunato we see that he wants to do it in a way that will not cause a scene or end in his arrest. He wants to get away with murder and not suffer any consequences. According to Montresor, there are two things that are necessary for a crime to be perfect. First of all, it "must not only…show more content…
For the half of a century no mortal has disturbed them.” (231), meaning no one ever found out that Fortunato’s corpse is still behind the wall after fifty years. It is presumed that Montresor got away with the crime, but also implies he has frequently checked – showing the guilt still lives within him. The fact that Montresor is bringing this story up fifty years after the fact implies that he never fully left the catacombs; a part of him is still down there. He is either a full blown psycho and is bragging about his ability to get away with this murder, or he is feeling guilty and needs someone to know what he did. Montresor’s account of the story of the murder fifty years after the fact would put him at an age around his seventies or eighties, likely at the end of his life. Perhaps this is a deathbed confession, or part of an old man’s
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