Who Is Montresor Insane

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In Edgar Allan Poe’s short story, “The Cask of Amontillado”, the main character, Montresor, is insane as he is narrating the story. According to Psychology Today, the qualifications to be considered sane are: the ability to have normal relationships and interactions with others and knowing it is not okay to murder others, having feelings of guilt and remorse, and not being a danger to one’s self or other people. Montresor lacks all of these certain qualifications within the story. The reader can see that Montresor doesn’t have the ability to have access to normal and healthy relations when he displays his friendship with Fortunato. “It must be understood, that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good-will. I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation.”(l. 9-12). The relationship between Montresor and Fortunato is certainly not normal. Also, sane people know that it is immoral to murder. Montresor does not believe it is wrong because he plots and achieves the murder of Fortunato; he chains Fortunato to the floor so that he is unable to move and seals the aperture up so that Fortunato will eventually run out of oxygen and suffocate (l. 158-172).…show more content…
We can infer that he does not feel guilt because he showed no signs of remorse after he sealed Fortunato up in the catacombs. “I hastened to make end of my labor. I forced the last stone into position; I plastered it up” (l.216-217). If he had felt bad about doing that to Fortunato, then he would have not enclosed him in by plastering the last

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