Pride In The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe

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Pride is man’s greatest sin, it was also pride that led Adam and Eve to their fall in the Garden of Eden. This theme of pride and the downfalls along with it are evidenced in Montresor and Fortunato in Edgar Allen Poe’s story “The Cask of Amontillado”. In this gothic tale, Montresor is somehow insulted by something Fortunato, an avid wine connoisseur has said. Montresor uses Fortunato’s ego and his pride to lure him into his catacombs to sample a quality dry sherry. He then eventually buries Fortunato in the wall. Montresor’s pride is so strong, he even boasts of his insane actions 50 years later. Shown throughout this story, pride is seen as a negative trait. Montresor ironically had also issues with pride, he tells the story of the burial

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