Who Is Christopher Columbus A Hero

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Although Christopher Columbus used his courage and navigation skills to voyage to a place unknown to the western part of the world many native people suffered from his voyages to the west. In 1492 Columbus set out to find a shorter route to Asia by sailing west to get east. His adventures and discoveries cost the Native Americans and caribbeans more than just their land. In the years after his historic voyage, the Spanish conquistadors and missionaries arrived and destroyed their culture, their civilization and the environment. Christopher columbus came to the new world as a dictator he took control of anything that wasn't already controlled by him, On his first day in the New World, he ordered six of the natives to be seized, writing in his journal that he believed they would be good servants.…show more content…
Many died en route. Those left behind were forced to search for gold in mines and on plantations. he wanted to establish a system to resemble what he had in europe ,Natives lost their land in result of columbus new finding , columbus wanted to spread his nation culturally in any way possible . Columbus also Introduced European and African diseases to the Native Americans which they had no immunity to . the diseases he brought along his voyage stood along his side to complete his objective of creating a new europe in the americas. Columbus didn't know exactly what he came across when finding the new world but he didn't hesitate to take advantage of his new discovery and took charge in what some people would call a
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