What Troubles Did Kaiser Run Into When It First Tried To Implement The Ehr Case Summary

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Discussion Questions 1. What troubles did Kaiser run into when it first tried to implement the EHR system? During the first implementation of the EHR system, Kaiser suffered productivity losses that could be directly attributed to training employees on the new system, which thereby, disrupted the workflow. The problem was further exacerbated when Kaiser decided to limit physician’s hours in the clinic and hired temporary physicians to handle the workload. In effect, more than 50% of the total project costs, stemmed from training and productivity losses. Is Kaiser’s experience typical of leading-edge companies? If so, how? For leading-edge companies, training is always one of the biggest budgeted items, especially when dealing with new technology. As such, I would say, YES, Kaiser’s experience is typical because part of the risks of exploring the uncharted course are the unexpected twist and turns along the way. For quite some time, they were on the path of repeated failures. In this case, it was apparent that Epic, initially, simply could not scale to meet Kaiser’s size and need that they had to expand the scope as the project progresses. Given such, they went well over from their initial budget of $1.8 billion to $4.2 billion. Often, this happens due to company’s inability to foresee and manage the unexpected…show more content…
Kaiser subscribers are able to view most of their personal health records online, including their lab results, medication history, and treatment summaries. Patients can enter their own readings from blood pressure and glucose meters. They can also securely email their healthcare providers, which cuts down on the amount of time patients spend on hold waiting to speak to a doctor and on the number of office

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