What Is The Slavery Issue In Huck Finn

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In Twain’s book describing the internal struggle that a young boy, Huckleberry Finn, encounters with morals he mentions many aspects of life in the South at the time. One of the most important issues in the south in the late 1800’s was slavery. This issue consumes Huck many times throughout the book when it is his chance to determine right and wrong. Huck is a very confident young boy and makes his decisions very quickly at first and then has after thoughts about what he has done. After escaping his home where he lives with an abusive father, by plotting his own kidnapping, Huck becomes his own person and the only one to make his decisions. Once again Huck struggles with morals and how to build his own after having so many different…show more content…
One of the main characters, Jim, is an escaped slave from a plantation where Huck was raised for many years of his life while his dad left him as a young boy. Huck and Jim were close while Huck lived where Jim worked, but as they floated up the river towards the north, and survived many turmoil’s and bonded, defying the issue of slavery. But internally Huck had many moral struggles with helping a slave escape and what would happen if he was caught. In chapter eight when Huckleberry Finn says “I ain’t a-going to tell…” he starts his internal battle about whether or not to turn Jim in for Huck’s own personal safety. As they continue up the river Huck and Jim become very close friends. They have survived a meeting with an interesting crew, their raft being shattered to pieces, and being separated many times. The final time that they are separated really shows how Huck’s morals have developed. After the “King” kidnaps Jim and sells him onto Tom Sawyer’s aunts plantation, Huck doesn’t flinch at all, he knows he must help Jim escape. Huck convinces Tom to help him and in order to do that Huck must stand firm in what he believes in and is willing to risk it all to help a friend and despise
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