the Harry Potter series, namely the first installment. In this first book, there are a great deal of parallels between the characters Harry Potter and Cinderella. Both characters live with relatives who do not treat them with respect or give them love and live in non-ideal conditions. They both are “rescued” from their lives by a third party. For Cinderella, it’s a fairy godmother while in Harry Potter, it’s a half-giant by the name of Hagrid. These parallels serve to deepen the irony in Harry Potter
According to Foster’s description of an archetype, it sounds to me like it is the prototype for recurring patterns or components that authors use in their stories as plot or symbolic devices; the author may twist the variation of the archetype in their story, but it still bears semblance to the archetype itself and other variations authors have used. One the oldest archetypes known to mankind is the historical fight between good versus evil. You know, the usual: the good side and evil side go up