Madeleine L Engle's A Wrinkle In Time

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According to Foster’s description of an archetype, it sounds to me like it is the prototype for recurring patterns or components that authors use in their stories as plot or symbolic devices; the author may twist the variation of the archetype in their story, but it still bears semblance to the archetype itself and other variations authors have used. One the oldest archetypes known to mankind is the historical fight between good versus evil. You know, the usual: the good side and evil side go up against one another, the good side faces adversity and the evil side appears to be winning, and then, in the end, good triumphs over evil. This common archetype is seen in many stories, one of them being Madeleine L'Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time. In this novel Meg Murry, Charles Wallace, and Calvin O’Keefe are on a quest to liberate Mr. Murry from his evil captors on another planet.…show more content…
Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which. They are taken to the planet Camazotz, where they learn the galaxy is threatened by the Dark Thing that already runs the planet. Camazotz is also controlled by a sinister, incorporeal brain called IT that controls the planet through electrical impulses; IT possesses Charles when he tries to disassemble it. Meg eventually discovers that the one thing that can triumph over IT is love—since something intangible and inhuman can’t love—and is able to bring back Charles to his former self. The good side—Meg, the three Mrs. W’s, Charles, Calvin, Mr. Murry, and the people who assist them—overcome the evil side of IT and the Dark Thing by the end of the novel despite the adversity they faced when Charles was possessed. Thus the classic archetype of how good triumphs over evil, especially by using love as the secret

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