amount of classified data without being caught and were there indicators that he was an insider threat? It is not the intent of this document to examine his guilt or innocence, argue his status as a whistleblower, criminal, or champion of truth, but to identify lessons learned from the information security lapses that allowed PFC Manning to obtain the data. Manning’s Background In order to understand Bradley Manning’s characterization as an insider threat, one must understand a bit of biological background
The word genocide was created and emerged during the second World War. According to the BBC News article Analysis: Defining Genocide 2010, the term was coined in 1943 by the Jewish-Polish lawyer Raphael Lemkin who combined the Greek word "genos" (race or tribe) with the Latin word "cide" (to kill)(1). It was after World War II when the first legal definition
The authority and legitimacy of modern nation states has come under a severe challenge as a result of rising trends in terrorism. Confronted with one of the most brutal forms of violence, a suitable or adequate response to terrorism is still to be framed, even as a proper context of evaluation and a sufficient understanding of its causation and methodology remain elusive. The uniqueness of terrorism lies in its complex inner dimensions, its continuous and rapid adaptations, and its wide variations