Sejanus Caesar Research Paper

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Tiberius Caesar Augustus also known as Tiberius Claudius Augustus was seen as one of the most influential political leaders in Roman society during his lifetime. As the second emperor of Rome, Tiberius was in a prime position for public scrutiny and dislike. The events surrounding his life, his character and social context are often discussed within ancient and modern sources; as such these components will be explored in this report. Tiberius’s character and social context can be somewhat unclear; however it may be understood through the inspection of major events throughout his life. Tiberius was born in 42 B.C. When he was three years old his mother Livia Drusilla divorced Tiberius Nero and married Caesar Augustus. This further elevated…show more content…
Sejanus aimed to conspire against Tiberius and murdered all those who were to succeed him. It was when Sejanus plotted against Gaius his downfall began as Tiberius sent spies into Rome was notified of the betrayal. Tacitus states in The Annals that Tiberius had Sejanus and his supporters executed and had his corpse dragged through the streets of Rome and thrown into the river Tiber. Tiberius’s final years were filled with suspicions and increased paranoia. In early AD 37 Tiberius died in his villa in Misenum. It is not known the cause of death although it has been speculated that it was not a natural death. Through the study of major events within Tiberius’s life it can be seen why he was not favored among the Roman…show more content…
Tiberius also had a strong dislike for politics, which could explain his strained relationship with the Senate. Pliny the Elder described Tiberius as tritissimus hominuim ‘the gloomiest of all men’. It can be said this reflection of his character is prominent within ancient sources as writers such Tranquillus and Tacitus wrote of him negatively calling him a dark reclusive somber character. Tiberius is quoted in responding in a self-deprecating manner towards his unpopularity, saying “Let them hate me, so long as they do but approve my conduct”. As such through ancient sources describing events within Tiberius life he is portrayed as a gloomy and detached leader who had very little interest in becoming emperor and this is reflected through his

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