Wes Anderson

1984 Words8 Pages
Wes Anderson’s mise en scène and style is most recognizable in the filming industry due to his identifiable colour palettes, constant overhead shots, and trademark camera moves. Anderson is unique from other film directors since what he puts in front of the camera is just as important as what he does with the camera. This has led Anderson to become an auteur in his own right. However there is a great deal to discuss about the visual aspects of his movies. Visual detail is one of the most important things to notice in an Anderson film. Each scene is carefully put together crowded with props and a somewhat unreal backdrop. It causes his audience to have an idea that combines reality with his elaborate production setup. Multiple films of his…show more content…
The majority of scenes are pictured in a symmetrical point of view, as they are centred. Everything captured in the scene is neat and organized, and each scene is obviously well planned. ? In Moonrise Kingdom, when the lightning strikes Sam. The landscape along the horizon is generally flat and bare, which leads the audience to assume that the main attention point of the scene is in the centre. The lightning strike is an uneven line, which forms a line right down the middle of the shot. Even though there are smaller branches of the lighting branching out of the main channel, the audience gets the general image of a centred lightning strike. Even though there is chaos, there is still…show more content…
Although it may not seem like it, each scene has an indefinite colour scheme to set the mood for the audience. Anderson is very careful not to overpower each scene with a single colour, but rather uses multiple colours to balance the scene to form a visually appealing image. He is also matriculate in keeping the colours in each shot extremely consistent. The colour schemes may or may not be the same for the entire movie, however they are present in each movie. Anderson puts a great deal of thought and detail into his selection of colour pallets and schemes for each individual scheme. He manages to have “colorfully balanced, consistent, and pleasing shots” throughout each film. This is an accurate depiction of the mood and feeling of the setting for the character. The colour schemes generally remain constant for the entirety of each

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