Examples Of Treachery In Othello

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In life, everyone needs to be able to trust one another and not fear deception. Unfortunately, some take advantage of others' faith in them, but this can usually be prevented if the trusting use a little scrutiny before believing a lie. Well remembered is the treachery of Othello's ancient, Iago, in the play Othello, by William Shakespeare. Though the misfortunes which befall the characters throughout the play can often be traced back to the deeds of Iago, in the end, it is Othello himself who brings the great tragedy of the play with his naive and jealous personality. From the very first lines of the play to the very last, Iago cunningly devises schemes that will ultimately end in harm to his superior, Othello. In trying to get Othello in…show more content…
He begins by telling Othello: "Look to your wife, observe her well with Cassio" (3.3.199). Othello is miffed by this accusation of Desdemona's infidelity with no proof, but Iago mentions a dream Cassio had in which he talked of his feelings for Desdemona in his sleep. Othello readily accepts this lie as true, though he is still skeptical. Providing further "proof", Iago merely mentions ". . . a handkerchief/--I am sure it was your wife's--did I today/See Cassio wipe his beard with" (3.3.437-439). This is all Othello needs to hear to fully believe that his wife, his true love, is cheating on him. From that scene on, Othello is without reason and only acts irrationally, especially towards Desdemona. Iago continues to further the lie by having Othello listen to Cassio talk freely about his mistress, Bianca, while Othello thinks the mistress is Desdemona. Though Iago has ingeniously executed his deception, Othello really has no evidence but the word of his trusted ancient, one he perhaps trusts too…show more content…
Othello refuses to discuss what he heard with Desdemona, though the foundation of a good marriage is communication. He does not give Desdemona a chance to defend herself against the outright lies, justifying his actions: "I'll not expostulate/ with her, lest her body and beauty unprovide my mind again. . ." (4.1.192-193). When he finally does confront her, Othello will not accept anything she says, though it is all the truth. Othello is simply too stubborn, blinded by his jealousy that has turned into rage. Desdemona's own servant, Emilia, assures Othello that nothing has ever happened between his wife and Cassio, and that she has heard ". . . Each syllable that breath made up between them" (4.2.5), yet Othello cannot believe her because he is so irrational. He even admits in the midst of his anger that "O, the world hath not a sweeter creature [than Desdemona]" (4.1.174), yet Othello still lets his jealousy and irrational thoughts get the better of him. After he has suffocated Desdemona, he explains to Emilia, "But that I did proceed upon just grounds/ To this extremity. Thy husband knew it all" (5.2.143-144). Othello basically admits his only proof of any adultery was the words of her husband Iago, "My friend, thy husband, honest, honest Iago" (5.2.66-67). Once Othello finds that all he

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