Watershed Management Case Study

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13.3. Main Components of Watershed management: 1. Land management 2. Water management 3. Biomass management 13.3.1. Land management Land characteristics like terrain, slope, and formation, depth, texture, moisture, and infiltration rate and soil capability are the major determinants of land management activities in a watershed. The broad category of land management interventions can be as follows; 13.3.1a. Structural Measures: Structural measures often lead to a change in slope profile and are of long duration or permanent. These measures are carried out primarily to control runoff, wind velocity, and erosion, and to harvest rainwater and are often aligned along the contour against prevailing wind. Structural measure include interventions…show more content…
13.3.1b. Vegetative Measures: Vegetative measures involve the use of perennial grasses, shrubs or trees and are for long duration often lead to a change in slope profile, aligned along the contour or against the prevailing wind direction, and are often spaced according to slope .Vegetative measures include vegetative cover, plant cover, mulching, vegetative hedges, grass land management, vettiver grass fencing, agro-forestry, etc. 13.3.1c. Production Measures: The production measures include interventions aimed at increasing the productivity of land like mixed cropping, strip cropping, cover cropping, crop rotations, cultivation of shrubs and herbs, contour cultivation conservation tillage, land leveling, use of improved verity of seeds, horticulture, etc. 13.1.1d. Protection Measures: Protective measures like landslide control, gully plugging, runoff collection, etc can also be adopted. Adoption of all the interventions mentioned above should be done strictly in accordance with the characteristics of the land taken for management. Contour sowing: (sowing along the…show more content…
The rainwater collected can be recharged into the ground to make water available for future use. An appreciable amount of precipitation, which is generally lost as surface flow, can be harvested and stored for useful purposes like drinking and providing supplemental irrigation to the crops. Roof top water harvesting, diversion of perennial springs and streams in to storage structures, farm ponds etc. are the methods widely used for rainwater harvesting. Ground water recharge enhance the ground water availability for the year round supply of water. Considering the over all demographic, climatic and socio-economic set up of the urban areas different techniques are applied for rainwater conservation. Some simple and cost effective rainwater harvesting structures are the

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