Water Utilization In The Philippines Case Study

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Introduction By the year 2025, the Philippines is believed to be brought to a water crisis if no new sources of water are developed or found to meet the growing demand of the citizens. (Sapnu, R., Balabo, D., & Cervantes, D., 2007) "There is a Japan International Cooperation Agency study that says that if we will not conserve water, there may be some problems. But of course we can always start conserving now and look for other sources," Lopez (2013) said. Studies have shown how water conservation and appropriate water utilization are significant as early as today. The average citizen in the Philippines most likely does not think too much about the impending water issues that may come to us sooner rather than later. It is believed that there is a lot of groundwater in the Philippines with Department…show more content…
General Pipe’s should be cleaned, if possible, every two weeks since unnecessary dirt and feces’ residuals unknowingly remains along the pipes’ rims, thickening as time pass by. • Add another machine to speed up the mall’s Waste Water treatments. Since the current machines are bought back in 2011, the addition of stalls and establishments adds up to the machine’s work, thus implying that additional ones should be installed. • Separate the machine utilizing the pool’s water. Unavoidable circumstances occur, and effluents might penetrate the pipes intended for the pool and endanger the swimmers’ health, particularly kids. • Revamping of pipes should be practiced once in every two years since rust are seen on some pipes, adding up to the danger of mixing with the processed water. References Anonuevo, E. & Miel, Likha. (2013, March 20). Water crisis to hit Philippines in 10 years if no new sources are tapped, expert says. Retrieved from

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