Walt Whitman's Song Of Myself

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“I know I am deathless, I know this orbit of mine cannot be swept by a carpenter’s compass...” Page 17 In song of Myself, Whitman treats death as a process. He denies death as a negative thing in life, but a new beginning. Death is not only a new beginning but, leading from one world to another. He feels as if he is fearless of death and he lets us know. Whitman uses nature as an example to explain life and death. In nature we witness the beginning of life to the end of life. From flowers blooming to then the leaf dies for the season of fall. Felicia Bharath Borough of Manhattan CC September 29, 2015 Professor Pace At the very beginning Whitman asks, “What becomes dead men, women and children, and then answers his own question. He says, “They are alive and…show more content…
That we are similar to nature, and each strip of grass would represent a human in society. Which means, we are all different from one another, and are unique individuals. Grass tends to strive daily to survive, and eventually meets its end of life. Each blade of grass would stand as an individual in society. He is implying that we humans do the same. If one human stands alone, he is weak; but when we come together we are stronger. Walt, does not see death as a dismissive thing but part of life. The grass would be symbolized as the cycle of life present in nature, growth, and human experiences. The symbol of grass could also be interjected into the idea of life and death, because grass replicates death and immortality. The grass symbolizes the continuation cycle of life presented in nature. Religion also comes into play. In sections 17, Walt states, “Grass is the key to the secrets of man’s relationship with God. Which means, God is everything and everything is God. For Walt, each death brings a new life which he feels as if it is not a sad thing to die, but beauty of rebirth, that we should see death as part of life. He separates
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