How Did Walt Whitman Declare American Freedom

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American Freedom Walt Whitman is a significant figure in American literature as he highlights the key factors which he presumes is portrayed through his undying belief of freedom. Whitman’s presentation of democracy is seen in Leaves of Grass. This presentation of Democracy would be hard to beat as Charles M. Oliver, retired Professor of English at Ohio Northern University, in Critical Companion to Walt Whitman, explains it as: “equality for all Americans regardless of sex, race or ethnic background”(13). Oliver later declared Whitman hated slavery but believed that the preservation of the union was much more important (13). Oliver went on to explain that during the Civil War Whitman realized that if the North were to win, both freedom and unity would be achieved (13). As Oliver once stated, many people opposed to war as well as socialists and recently feminist and gay rights activists have all used Leaves of Grass to support their ideas (13). This demonstrates Whitman’s similar beliefs as people who believe in freedom. Whitman believed that the prime purpose of Americans were to better humanity. He had a rich and optimistic belief in the American spirit. In Bloom’s Modern Critical Interpretations Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself William Birmingham, professor at John Hopkins University proclaimed,…show more content…
Whitman’s poetry reminds the audience that every person should be valued and have a voice. He also advises Americans of the importance of diversity as the country continues to grow. Finally he stresses that the United States is different from other countries because of its many different culture’s, races, ideas, views and values. Even as Whitman does not have the most resounding voice or the most popular voice he never fails to excite the audience with his overwhelming poetry about identity, diversity and

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