Walt Disney Economy Paper

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The Walt Disney Company – Domestic Operations and U.S. Economy Growth Walt Disney is an American company, born and flourished in America. The business operation of the company is massive in the USA. The main location from which the company is operated, is in California. Most of the headquarters of Disney businesses are centred in Florida. There are five major business segments of the company; they are Media Network, Parks and Resorts, Studio Entertainment, consumer product, and interactive media (The Walt Disney Company, 2015). The revenue generated by Walt Disney is no doubt substantial that is why the rank of the company leaped from 61 to 57 in the year 2014 (Fortune 500, 2015). Let’s have a look at the revenue for last year. The chart below…show more content…
There are many factors that shape the economy and such factors are called Economic indicators. There are two types of economic indicators: Leading Indicators and Lagging Indicators (Smith, n.d.). The leading indicators frequently show changes and they can be used to predict the future whereas lagging indicators reflects the company’s historical performance. Some of the economic indicators relevant to The Walt Disney Company are explained as follows. Stock…show more content…
Walt Disney proved to one of the business leaders just because of these two divisions. As compared to these two divisions, the remaining three divisions have not shown that much good performance. Currently the rank of Walt Disney in Fortune 500 list is 57. If the company wants to place among the top ten companies, it has to pay attention the less generated divisions. The last division is interactive media which has just 3% share in overall revenue, which is negligible. The company should pay attention to the interactive media; because the future world will be based on interactive media. The new generation, unlike the previous generation does not want to be the passive consumers of media. They want to express themselves; they want to communicate with the help of media. The advent of internet and social media sites has given a plenty of room for the users and consumers to be interactive. Hence in the field of media also there is a competition. Twitter is the social media site which has recently entered the list of Fortune 500. It is because they give opportunity to the users to interact with the world. If in future Walt Disney does not pay attention to the interactive division, they will have a threat from Twitter and other social media

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