Walkabout Symbolism

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In the coming of age movie Walkabout, directed by Nicolas Roeg, is rich in lines with double meanings and very creative symbolism. Roeg explores ideas of civilization versus, abuse versus need, loss of innocence and loss of humanity. The idea of where man thrives the most is the overall theme in Walkabout. Starting with how the “uncivilized” aboriginal man treats the children. He immediately helps them, despite not knowing what they are saying. Conversely, when they ask the “civilized” man for help and refuge he tells them to not touch things and to go wait for help somewhere else. This selfishness contrasts to how selfless the aboriginal man treats the children. Roeg is using their behaviors as representation of civilization and nature, and the treatment they…show more content…
Nature is kind and giving, where civilization is cruel and cold. As a result of the unkind treatment, man becomes cruel himself. Humans become greedy and abusive towards their resources. This is represented in the children. After they realize that they are alone in the desert, the children begin looking for food, water and shelter. They find a small desert oasis, equipped with what they need. They drain what seems to be everything from there in a few days, leaving them resourceless. Consequently, they are left without a way to survive. This shows that civilization is not only unforgiving towards man, but also towards nature. Roeg goes back to this same idea later in the movie. Directly after the aboriginal man goes hunting, a group of “civilized” hunters go for their kills. They used weapons more deadly and kill more animals than nature had ever allowed man. Again, abusing the resources nature has, until there is nothing left. Later in the movie the young boy looks to his sister while walking through the desert and says “we’re lost, aren’t we?” Although the line seems innocent enough,

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