Beta Carotene Case Study

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Colour NA Beta-Carotene is a substance found in many fruits and vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes. Once consumed the body can convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A Food acid Ascorbic Acid is another name for Vitamin C Caffeine 37.1mg Caffeine occurs in more than 60 plants such as coffee beans, tea leaves, kola nuts, guarana and cacao beans, and is found in many common foods and beverages made from these plants such as coffee, tea and chocolate. It is sometimes added to beverages as part of their overall flavor profile. Its classic bitter taste enhances some flavors and balances the sweetness of other flavors. Method of manufacturing (including flow diagram): The current of labor is planned and assured by the tremendous computerized…show more content…
Physical hazards: The physical threat is directly related to the occurrence of different materials, some of which are hair, stones, dirt/dust, glue particles, cardboard piece, dead pests/insects, unclean cork/cap etc… Chemical hazards: Surplus quantities that everyone use for cleaning purposes where most of the tools used in factories are cleaned on spot by the aid of huge amounts of sanitizers that in turn destructively shake the product to be produced. This case requires a good post-sanitation washing. Moreover, the incidence of bottles positioned unlabeled underneath some machines leads to catastrophic finishes. In other words, all chemical related bottles are to be put in an enclosed separate area to avoid any chemical mixing or misuse that leads to chemical…show more content…
Many researches have assured that sugary drinks like Pepsi and coke are bad for health for what they contain from artificial caramel coloring. The center for science in the public interest (CSPI) tried through the FDA to prohibit the use of 4-methylimidazole (4-Mel) formed as a byproduct of caramel coloring. However, the FDA said that a person should drink more than 100 glasses of soda per day to be infected by cancer. The national toxicity program proved that 4-Mel on sodas is toxic and leads to infertility, dysfunction of thyroid, and liver and lung cancer. After this report by the NTP, 4-Mel was added to the list of the chemicals linked to cancer in the state of California. Prop 65 consumer protection laws helped the state of California to ban the use of carcinogen and required a cancer warning label on all the coke products sold in the state. Removing the cancer-causing 4-Mel from sodas doesn't remove all the danger caused by sodas on your health because most of them contain common GMO ingredients like high fructose corn syrup. The nutrition research center reports

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