Vincent N. Parrillo's Causes Of Prejudice

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Prejudice In the Declaration of Independence, it states, "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." People coming to the United States come with the idea of the "melting pot" that means everyone who comes to the United States is "created equal," that we come together as one identity that is American. But do these ideas hold to be true? Throughout history, people have shown discrimination towards people who are of a different race. In "Causes of Prejudice," Vincent N. Parrillo, A professor of sociology at William Paterson University, gives the reader ideas of different types of prejudgments between races. Parrillo's theories of Socialization Process, Action-orientation Level of Prejudice, and Self-Justification explain that people's assumptions of others are incorrect and unfair. Parrillo…show more content…
"In the socialization process, individuals acquire the value, attitude, beliefs, and perceptions of their culture or subculture, including religion, nationality, and social class" (Parrillo 513). The theory shows the assumptions that individuals have towards other people, in the act of an idea being past to another person about a race. In "C.P Ellis: Why I Quit the Klan," Studs Terkel, a renown oral historian, interviewed C.P Ellis, a member of the Klan who was as well once the president. C.P Ellis expresses, "The natural person for me to hate would be black people, because my father before me was a member of the Ku Klux Klan" (qtd. on Terkel). Ellis hatred toward African Americans started off and

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