C. P Ellis: Why I Quit The Klan

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Prejudice has existed for as long as this country has existed. It is an ongoing issue, that we can not seem to understand. The Declaration of Independence was an important document passed in 1776, signed by fifty-six delegates, signifying everyone was equal. We are able to see the laws that were created years ago, lost the power they once held. Discrimination is real, and after so many movements, and revolutions, we have not learned how to not judge because of the color of our skin. We are constantly being labeled and stereotyped because of where we come from. In “C.P Ellis: Why I Quit The Klan”, Studs Terkel, a renown historian, sits down with C.P Ellis, a former KKK member to discuss his experience in the organization. Ellis grew up with a prejudice against black people and…show more content…
Parillo explains socialization process as our own beliefs and values we have gained through our own culture and experience (Parrillo #50). C.P Ellis describes, “It was the only organization in the world that would take care of the white people, so I began to admire the Klan” (qtd in Terkel). Ellis saw the Klan as a group to be admired. He believed they were in control, and in full support with the whites. He grew up believing that the white race was superior than any other race. Another example is when Parillo states, “My father said: ‘don't have anything to do with ‘em” (qtd in Terkel). Since he could remember, Ellis has been told to stay far away from blacks. He began being prejudiced because that is what he learned from his family. In “Causes of Prejudice”, Parrillo states, “Being impressionable and knowing of no alternative conceptions of the world, the child usually accepts these concepts without questioning (Parrillo #50). The people Ellis was surrounded by influenced his ideas and attitude. Besides our surroundings, our social norms can affect the way we behave with

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