Macbeth Analytical Essay

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William Shakespeare's Macbeth tells the tale of one man's regicide, power assertion, homicide, and deposition. Many ascertain that Shakespeare's motivation for writing the drama was to impress and accentuate the history of King James's lineage. Why, then, did he focus on Macbeth and not Banquo? The answer: his humanism (Shakespeare). Within every Shakespearean drama, there exists some conflict, some inner struggle that relates to society. The tale allowed him to express human ideology with tragedy intermixed. In Macbeth, Shakespeare provides an in-depth analysis of the detrimental motivations that plague human beings. The first three acts focus on Macbeth's rise-to-kingship and the three different entities that hasten the process. Shakespeare…show more content…
Most would agree that the witches, Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth himself all worked together to catalyze Macbeth's rise to power. Would Macbeth—however—have become king without all three of these's cooperation? In Jacobean society, power generally transcended by means of ability (citation). Duncan had three sons, two of which are present in Macbeth: Malcolm and Donalbain. Duncan's son(s)? Banquo? We use the word "hasten," so were there any other effects that also Many assume Malcolm to be next in line for the throne. His lineage, however, proves unimportant in political decisions; the Thane of Cawdor position has already been passed on to two others before him. Secondly, rather than the title of King of Scotland be passed down to more members of Duncan's family, the power eventually shifts to Banquo's lineage as foreseen by the witches in act 1. Clearly, power goes to those most deserving, and—at the time—Macbeth proved himself to be that. Macbeth obviously dreamed of this becoming reality, especially after the previous Thane of Cawdor was proved a traitor. He knows that the power will eventually be granted to him, but he is still motivated by three things to speed the process

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