Underground Railroad Outline

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Under Ground Railroad Introduction The Underground Railroad was a network of safe houses, passageways, secret routes, and meeting places used by slaves in the United States to escape slavery from their holding states in the south to Canada and northern states. It was established in the early 1800s with the help of the Abolitionist Movement thus leading to more than 100,000 slaves escape by 1850. Although the Underground Railroad was a violation of the Constitution and state laws, abolitionists and safe houses system freed many slaves. The Advent of the Underground Railroad Even though the system commenced in early 1800s, there is evidence that assisting of runaways and slaves to escape started earlier with George Washington complaining that…show more content…
The term gained popularity in the early 1830s with businesses and houses that sheltered the runaway slaves being referred to as “stations” with “stationmasters” in charge. There were “conductors” who moved the runaway slaves between stations while there were “stockholders” who functioned to provide money, clothing and other goods necessary for the escape. After reaching the safe havens in the north, the slaves were found lodging and employment with majority of them opting for Canada where they were completely untraceable. In the trip, slaves were guided by the “North Star” since they often left at…show more content…
However, violation of a state law or the Constitution is also against the Christian faith as so is abetting a slave to escape slavery since it was in violation of the fugitive state laws of 1793 and 1850. These laws provided for the return of escaped slaves since the Supreme Court had given slavery protection thereby giving slaveholders hearing without jury. However, this shows that American Christians were acting with utter impunity since the word of God teaches Christians that all men are equal in the eyes of the Lord. It is in the Christian teaching to provide food, clothing and drinking water to other people, and this was done by the people who helped the slaves to escape for they clothed, provided transport to escape the harsh treatment from their slave masters. They also helped the fugitives find work and settlement through letters of recommendations, a move that is consistent with the Christian faith. The Role of the Underground Railroad in Modern
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