Underground Railroad Essay Outline

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Underground Railroad: THESIS: The underground railroad was an exchange of peoples, that, throughout its history during slavery, constituted a growing sense of hope for African Americans that slavery was an institution that was fading away in the american culture with the growing sectionalism of America. MAKE IT AN ALTHOUGH THESIS Although the underground railroad can be seen as a mere network of houses that hardly helped runaway slaves, it gave to the slaves who dreamt of being free, created a growing abolitionist movement in the North, and it created a growing sectionalist divide between the needs and wants of the South versus those of North. Although the number of slaves who escaped to freedom on the Underground Railroad were nominal,…show more content…
#1: With growing sectionalism within the United States and the growing abolitionist movement, many slaves in the South needed a way to find freedom from oppression, and the Underground Railroad provided a means of hope to those slaves who were in need of freedom from the chains of oppression. The north before the Fugitive Slave Act was a near safe haven for many runaway slaves, so the Underground Railroad was a means of traveling to the north with the aid of white men and other freed slaves. Many of the slaves who worked on plantations heard of stories of escaped slaves who made it to the north, and even Canada. This provided hope to those that the trip was possible. (“I travelled on until I had arrived at the place where I was directed to call on an Abolitionist, but I made no stop: so great were my fears of being pursued by the pro-slavery hunting dogs of the South. I prosecuted my journey vigorously for nearly forty-eight hours without food or rest, struggling against external difficulties such as no one can imagine who has never experienced the same”)-Eastern Illinois University The Underground railroad made many of the Southerners (and some northerners) feel very unsafe about their slaves. The whites were afraid that the former slaves who ran away would take their jobs, and made them afraid of the slaves, because of eventually of what they could

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