Trichotillomania Informative Speech

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INTRODUCTION I. Have you ever heard the expression, “I could just pull my hair out!” II. Many of us have uttered this phrase, but for many individuals this is a legitimate disorder known as Trichotillomania. III. I have witnessed firsthand how Trichotillomania can hijack physical and mental control of a person’s life. IV. Throughout this speech I will explain Trichotillomania, its repercussions, and indicate how you can help. BODY I. First, I will define Trichotillomania. A. Trichotillomania is characterized by irresistible impulses to pull hair from various parts of the body. 1. It is a Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior (BFRB). (Trichotillomania Learning Center) 2. The symptoms vary from person to person. (Trichotillomania Learning

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