Traditional Medicine In Africa

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Before the establishment of science-based medicine, traditional medicine was the dominant medical system for millions of people in Africa but the arrival of the Europeans was a noticeable turning point in the history of this ancient traditions and culture . Science has, in the past, considered methods of traditional knowledge as primitive and backward. Under colonial rule, traditional diviner-healers were outlawed because they were considered by many nations to be practitioners of witchcraft and magic, and were declared illegal by the colonial authorities, creating a war against aspects of the indigenous culture that were seen as witchcraft. During this time, attempts were also made to control the sale of herbal medicines. As colonialism…show more content…
Nobody would disagree that health is one of the God’s greatest blessing; in Islam it is the greatest blessing after faith, for the prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) said ’after faith no one was given anything better than wellbeing’. Although the coming of Christianity and Islam into Africa brought down the work of traditional healers but yet one can see that both Christianity and Islam method of healing is equally the same as the traditional one. The use of water, herbs and the casting of devils and evil spirits by Mallams and Pastors are in the same line with the traditional way of healing. For example a mallams or pastors may ask his people to come with water or he pray over water and ask the people to take it or the use of water for baptism is the same as the traditional method of using water to make rituals. Meanwhile they both denied the practice of the indigenes. (That is their religious practice). So one can see from this angle that all these three religions are of the same healing practices. The different is the way they all do their healing and the people involved as well as the words they…show more content…
Historically, many herbs have been used to provide human remedies for diseases that confront them . Although Western medical practices seem to have questioned or even denied the effective use of many traditional herbal remedies, traditional plants undoubtedly continue to play a key role in the well-being of indigenous communities. It can be seen in this era that almost all medical prescriptions are based on plants, especially in Africa of which Ghana is no exception. Thus, despite the introduction of many scientific medicine, it is clear that herbal medicine continues to possess a high level of significance in many

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