Tom Ford Research Paper

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Being his occupational medium, it comes as no surprise that Tom Ford finds a hobby in fashion. Ford stated in an interview with fashion editorial Elle that working, for him, is not working; working for him is just the way he is: fun. Starting at a young age, Ford experimented with a wide variety of visual arts, from which he settled with fashion design to be his definite. Ford secretly had the desire of being an actor, and took acting classes while attending NYU at the age of 17. Although his primary interest while at NUY was to major in art, Ford dropped out from the university just after a year to start acting on television commercials. Ford then quickly realized that acting was not for him and decided to go back to school to study architecture, subject in which he had always been interested, and enrolled in Parson’s school of design. After escalating from fashion house to fashion house, Ford reached the peak when in 2006 he opened his own eponymous fashion label. Ford’s first…show more content…
With an unusual career major, Ford escalated positions and saw his way into major fashion houses in the industry, until he joined Gucci Group in 1995 as the creative director. Through his controversial marketing tactics Ford helped save Gucci and turned it into a global luxury brand, event which would set his personality and give him the experience and the connections to later have a leading influence in the fashion world through his own fashion house. With a $70 million net worth, director of his own fashion label, and now father, Tom Ford lives in Los Angeles and designs clothes for his own label. Without doubt, Ford has shaped the way the much subjective concept of fashion is conceived by people all around the world, which turns out to be no easy

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