Tom Buchanan In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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The Great Gatsby is a carefully structured story written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby is a romantic tragedy, and a social commentary on the American life of the Jazz Age; the rise of a wealthy economy, and the rejection of traditional moral standards. The novel has become an acclaimed masterpiece read and taught throughout the world written in nine concise chapters. The Great Gatsby tells the tale of the wasteful lives of four wealthy characters as observed by their friend Nick Carraway. One of the four characters, Tom Buchanan is the enormously wealthy husband of Daisy Buchanan, born into old money, and physically gifted with a powerful "cruel body" and "arrogant eyes" (Fitzgerald, 11). He is the character that everyone loves to hate and no readers would feel sympathy at all for him. Tom can be seen as an unfaithful husband to his wife, Daisy, and has a condescending personality.…show more content…
Even though he is married to the most desired woman by all men, he still cheats on Daisy. He has had a history full of affairs, for example, Tom had an affair with the hotel maid during their honeymoon. At the start of the novel, Tom is pulled away from entertaining his guests by a phone call from his mistress, “ Tom’s got some woman in New York” (Fitzgerald, 18), Jordan brings this up to Nick. Tom is having an affair with Myrtle Wilson, and the fact that Jordan knows about the affair, Tom does not attempt to hide his adultery from anyone. Tom is extremely unfaithful to his wife Daisy and thinks very little of her, only caring for himself, and finds cheating as a normal thing for
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