White Privilege Advantages And Disadvantages

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At its core, white privilege is described to be an “invisible package of unearned assets” (McIntosh, 1988, page 33) for white people. There are many layers explaining the manifestation of white privilege and even more explanations pertaining to its dominant presence in today’s world. This essay will address key aspects of white privilege and pick the two most important aspects with explanations signifying the reasons for their choosing. An explicit aspect of white privilege is the fact that it is an automatic add-on to anybody satisfying the definition of “whiteness”. Whiteness is defined by Frankenberg (1988) as a concept/identity historically, socially, politically, and culturally produced involving systems of domination thereby privileging…show more content…
The other side of racism is overlooked: the side from which white people benefit and advantage. It is often not understood that in order to abolish racism and its disadvantages, the effects of white privilege must be undone. An example of white people benefiting from racism combined with their privilege is demonstrated by the rates of incarceration of PoC. According to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, “African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites”. Because predominantly white neighbourhoods are not targets of over-policing, unlike inner-city neighbourhoods, incarceration rates are lower for white people. As a result of not falling target to suspicion by police officers, white people get away with the same crimes that a person of colour would be incarcerated for. It is counterproductive to attempt to eradicate disadvantages of a group of people, while continuing to privilege another group of people who benefit from these…show more content…
This event was further sensationalized to invoke feelings of sympathy for the lost lives of white people. However, the same extent of media coverage was not granted to the 7.0 magnitude earthquake which rattled Japan that very same day (CNN, 2015). Furthermore, similar terror attacks occurred in Beirut, Lebanon one day before the Paris attacks (Mic, 2015) and in Baghdad, Iraq the same day as the Paris attacks (New York Times, 2015) – both coincidentally did not garner much attention or coverage. The lack of response to the loss of lives in “non-Western” or “non-white” nations is a contemporary yet subtle expression of white supremacy. Furthermore, Facebook introduced a “safety check-in” for Parisians and the option to add a French flag overlay for your profile picture. This was not offered to any other nation declaring to be in a state of peril from a terrorist attack. This clearly shows a hierarchy which favours white lives over others. By under-broadcasting similar events occurring in non-white nations, while sensationalizing the loss of white people’s lives, it is subtly implied that white lives are held on a higher pedestal than PoC’s lives. This evokes a feeling of inferiority in the minds of PoC. Due to the inability in acknowledging their privilege, white people do not understand why PoC feel this
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