Token Economy Analysis

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Previous study by Junn found that the application of token economy for students who answered questions correctly in class has helped students to perform better at school. In this case, the journal Exploration of Classroom Participation in The Presence of a Token Economy aimed to examine whether student’s class participation is influenced by the presence of token economy. This study hypothesised that token reinforcement through giving bonus point increases students participation in class. The participants of this study is 318 undergraduate students enrolled in Psychology courses at Midwestern Commuter University in which 21.6% of them are freshman, 25.2% of them are sophomores, 31.1% of them are juniors and 22.2 % of them are seniors. These…show more content…
The result of this study is analysed using descriptive analysis in which the mean is calculated from the bonus points earned and also from the class performance. This study showed that there is an increase in class participation through the token reinforcement in which 78% of the students in the class have started asking questions in class in order to gain bonus points. Therefore, the author concluded that token economy is effective in modifying certain behaviours in the classroom which in this case is the students’s participation. Some limitation to this study is that participation is only measured by students asking good question on each day while answering to questions or responding to their classmates’ ideas can also be counted as participating in the class. Future studies can improve this by considering other factors other than asking good question each day that can be counted as participating in the class. Besides that, future studies can extend this study to more ethnic groups in order to generalize the results better to the whole…show more content…
The journal The Effects of a Token Economy Employing Instructional Consequences for a Third Grade Student with Learning Disabilities : A Data-Based Case study aimed to see whether token economy can reduce three inappropriate behaviours of an elementary student with learning disabilities. This study hypothesised that token economy will help reduce three inappropriate behaviours which include being out of seat, talking out and displaying bad posture. The participant of this study is a 10 year old, third grade male student who came from a single parent household. This participant is also labeled as learning disabled for his basic skills of reading and writing are below the normal intelligence. The study took place in an elementary classroom located in rural Eastern Washington. Appropriate behaviours are awarded with token economy such as bubble gum while teachers in turn will deduct the break times of the entire class if inappropriate behaviours are shown. The result of the study was analysed using descriptive analysis in which mean was calculated from the results. After the token economy was applied to the classroom, the mean of inappropriate behaviours was shown to be decreasing. Thus, the author concluded that token economy is effective in modifying
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