To Kill A Mockingbird Dialectical Journal

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Map of Maycomb 1. The tree a. Jem and Scout first interacted with Boo Radley near the tree between the grammar school’s playground and the Radley’s Place, although they didn’t know who gave them those gifts. This important event started the mockingbird motif; Just as the mockingbird sings to benevolent people listening, Boo Radley gives toys to the children fascinated with him. 2. The bell a. The three mischievous children wanted to see Boo and they came up with a plan that involved Dill with a bell to ring when danger or a certain father appears. The event reflects the children’s relationship to one another, how they have each other’s backs, and their innocence and curiosity that resemble one of a mockingbird’s. 3. The pants a. On a dark night, the three children thought of another plan to interact with the mysterious Boo Radley, the most obvious mockingbird at the time. The pants Jem had tangled and lost in the gates of the Radley’s Place symbolize their curiosity and adventures. They never tried to disturb the…show more content…
The fire a. Miss Maudie’s house caught on fire one night and everyone in the street came out to help her. The fire created a sense of unity among the neighbors, even Nathan Radley helped Miss Maudie move her possesses. This event also unified Boo Radley with the world for a small moment and to give Scout some comfort in the bitter cold night. 5. The fight a. When the mob surrounded Atticus by the jail while he tried to protect Tom, Scout prevented harm to her father. Scout may or may not regard the fact that she became a motif of the mockingbird when the mob wouldn’t hurt her, but she did use her innocence to save the men. 6. The court a. When Bob Ewell nearly lost the court case, it lead him to attempt the murders of Scout and Jem Fitch because Ewell cowardly feared everyone else. Ewell thought he would easily gain revenge Atticus by killing his children, but Ewell forgot that no one will allow the sinful action of slaughtering a
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