To Kill A Mockingbird: An Analysis

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The ability to express ideas, to motivate, and to inspire lies in the contents of books. Books have a great impact on the individuals who read them, and society as a whole as those individuals band together to preach whatever message the book shared with them. The good books can do is tremendous, but their impact is sadly crippled when they are confronted with censorship. The sand truth is, the more influence a book can have over people, the quicker it is to be censored (Winerip). No matter the reason, truly great literature must be allowed to accomplish the goals it was trying to accomplish, and change the world for good in the process. Throughout the course of history, issues of segregation and racism has been discussed, criticized, and protested against. In post World War One era the Germans were blamed and unfairly punished for the war which killed millions, after the bombing of pearl harbor and…show more content…
As an example, To Kill a Mockingbird makes the reader route for the protagonist Atticus and route against the antagonist Bob Ewell, because of their vastly different personalities. Readers connect with Atticus’ ideas of equality and justice, and hate Bob Ewell’s disregard for human decency and life. Atticus’ character is a symbol for every moral value that is good and righteous, making him an excellent role model for not only readers, but also the main character, Scout, from whom the story is told. This gives children a moral grounding and can aid them in their development and understanding of right and wrong, despite this, it made the most challenged book list of 2011
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