To Kill A Mockingbird Perspective Analysis

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After Atticus teaches Scout to "consider things from [another person's] point of view… "(30), Scout starts to think twice and changes the perspective of looking at others. Harper Lee, the writer of To Kill a Mockingbird, uses perspective as one of the main themes by letting Scout learn new values about thinking about other people’s view. To Kill a Mockingbird portrays a society that is supremely, staggeringly unfair; U.S. South in the 1930s was when racism was part of the very fabric of society. In this story, people like to spread rumors and judge people by its looks or color without even getting to know them. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout changes her perspective after her father tells her about judging people by their cover. She thinks again about Boo and tries to see things in his point of view rather than judging him by his rumors. Scout is the narrator and one of the main characters in this story. Thanks to her father, Atticus, his wisdom teaches her to think twice about judging people and to actually "climb into [their] skin and walk around it." (30) At the beginning of the book, Scout learns about Boo through the gossip passed on by neighbors, such as he's "six-and-a-half feet tall" and also "dines on…show more content…
Matter in fact, she takes it home to try it but Jem gets mad because he thinks the tree is malignant. After that, Scout keeps discovering gifts inside the knot-hole tree. Later on she realizes that they could have only come from Boo because Nathan had “filled [their] knot-whole with cement"(62). Scout enjoyed communicating with Boo through the knot-hole so much that Jem had to assuage her sadness by saying "Don’t you cry, now, Scout.. Don't cry now, don't you worry" (62). It becomes clear to Scout that Boo's intentions have been misinterpreted by almost everyone in
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