Tim Burton Cinematic Techniques Analysis

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When watching a movie paying close attention to a movies cinematic techniques helps the viewer to assume of what is going to happen next to the characters in the movie.Burton's unique films include Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Tim Burton uses low key lighting, long shot, and mysterious music to produce a sense of worriedness, fear, and suspense. To produce a sense of fear Burton uses low key lighting. For example in Edward Scissorhands Burton uses low key lighting while Peg is in the mansion to see if anyone lives there to sell her products. She hears something and sees the shadow of Edwards head. It makes the viewer feel fear for Peg because no one knows what's going to happen next. The viewer is frightened for what might happen to Peg next. Another example would be in The Nightmare Before Christmas Burton uses low key lighting when Jack is walking in the woods to the trees with holidays on them. The viewer sees Jack's shadow which would cause unease to the viewer for what was coming down the woods. The viewer feels fear when there is low key lighting because its mainly shadows.…show more content…
Of course in Edward Scissorhands Burton uses a long shot when Peg walks into the mansion while standing in the doorway. The long shot makes Peg look really small. Burton uses a long shot so the viewer will worry for Peg or be concerned. The viewer is concerned for Peg because of how vulnerable Peg looks. It makes the viewer worry for Peg’s safety. Also in The Nightmare Before Christmas when Santa is in his house the viewer sees him open the door to the little kids who are coming to kidnap him. Burton uses long shot to show how small the kids look compared to Santa. Long shots are used to create a sense of fear for the

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