Thought-Provoking In Heidegger's What Is Called Thinking

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Nikhil Sharma 13110069 What is “thought-provoking” in Heidegger’s What is called thinking? Why does he argue that we should be attendant to it? Heidegger has asked a very important and very fundamental question throughout the book. He has put the question at the proper place during the journey of the book and has very well justifies his attempt to answer that question with a lot of examples from the various fields. He has chosen art, science and technology to be used as examples while answering the very important question. He has related thinking to aspects like learning, listening and acting. All the connections made in the book are quite “thought-provoking”. The book takes us through the journey of learning how to think, which it has done very well according to me, by keeping the actual…show more content…
The organisation part is the difficult one. Thinking is also interpretation of all the data and information that we receive or already have in our memory. Logic, critical thinking, overthinking all are the different parts of thinking, maybe also called types of thinking. During the day, there are so many instances that happen, some of which make impacts or influence on us, while others do not. The ones that influence us do get stored in our memory while the others cannot be remembered over time. Thinking is also basically connection of dots throughout the process of it. Dots can be connected well only if we are able to recollect all the previous incidents or data very well. Thus our memory also plays a very crucial role in the development of our thinking

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