The Vietnam War: Ronald Reagan And The Cold War

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Ronald Reagan: The Cold War In 1980 a former actor by the name of Ronald Reagan was elected as the President of the United States. As President, he would have to take on the difficult task of creating and implementing a society that involved a transparent view for Americans. He had the task of creating a new foreign policy that would not only work but cause an end to conflict’s involving the U.S and Russia known as the Cold War. President Reagan was the type of leader that was considered a religious patriot. He believed that prayer in public schools was necessary, that abortion clinics were not acceptable. He believed that the American Public should be as informed of what was happening at home, just as much as what was happening…show more content…
As a result this caused the American society to be divided in terms of what was in the best interest of its citizens. The concern was focused on the failing economy and social unrest that carried over from the 1960’s and was still thought of as a troubling time for the U.S. Most of this was due to a cry for freedom and an end to war that occurred throughout the 1960’s. The hope was that with a new republican party led by the new right on the horizon, America would find a new, fresh start and begin to rebuild. The citizens of the U.S. wanted lower taxes, enforced morals, and a new Cold War Foreign Policy (Henretta, Edwards, Rebecca, Self, 2012). President Reagan was the conservative definition of the 1980’s. The recent uprising of the New Right was due to the activist in the 60’s and 70’s. This movement was exactly what the right wing was hoping for. This was the leader the political movement needed to fight for national power. In 1980 the opportunity to take control was presented when President Jimmy Carter, a democrat lost the popular vote because of his failure to properly manage more than one national crisis. Carter’s biggest failure in the eyes of the U.S. was his inability…show more content…
Reagans Development of Policy In order for President Reagan to develop his new foreign policy he had to follow the guide lines of the New Directions Legislation of 1973. The legislation envisioned a policy that has an effect on four major areas. Those areas are alleviating poverty, promotion of equitable growth, encouragement for the rights of citizens, and involving developing nations into the international economy (NEWFARMER, 1983). President Reagan new that the New Rise was only part of a larger vision for the development of the west in the 1980’s (Henretta, Edwards, Rebecca, Self,2012). Reagan and Thatcher Alongside Reagan was the Prime Minister of England, Margaret Thatcher. Both leaders had the belief that the government was the problem and not the solution for the issues that were occurring. The United States and England had suffered decades of liberal policies and together they reaffirmed confidence in the free market, as well as allowed for a smaller role in regulating the economy (Henretta, Edwards, Rebecca, Self,2012). Reagan was skeptical of the ideas of liberals. The types of ideas that had been

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