How Is Guilt Shown In Macbeth

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Guilt proceeding to the tragic collapse of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Guilt plays a major role in an individual’s life, as it compels one to regret the decisions they have made, and ends up negatively impacting their life. This ultimately has the ability to confine most people to utter destruction. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, guilt contributes greatly as both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s horrendous acts end up backfiring on them, as a result of their extreme measures. Correspondingly, guilt plays a tremendous part in their annihilation. Guilt results in their tragic downfall as they both have hallucinations in very distinct ways; become restless thereby losing their sleep, and with an end result of their guilt's resulting in different outcomes.…show more content…
Lady Macbeth is unable to control her guilty conscious, thus it strongly forces her into committing suicide. While in the play there are no specific scenes depicting her death, when Macbeth becomes aware of the dreadful news he says, “She should have died hereafter; /There would have been time for such a word.” (IV.iv.19-20). When he says this about his wife, it becomes evident that he is heartbroken seeing the end of their strong bond with one another. On the contrary, he is unaware of the fact that her death is due to her guilt which forces her into self-harm. Comparatively, Macbeth’s cessation is the consequence of his culpable crimes. Eventually, most of the characters become aware of Macbeth’s intentions and his sinful acts. Thus, Caithness who is one of the soldiers says, “Great Dunsinane he strongly fortifies. /Some say he’s mad, others that lesser hate him/ Do call it valiant fury. But, for certain, /He cannot buckle his distempered cause/Within the belt of rule. (IV.ii.14-18). When the soldier says this about Macbeth, it becomes apparent that he is losing some of his moral sense, as his guilt begins to show about his physical self. Correspondingly, Macbeth’s overconfidence eventually leads to his death as Macduff slays Macbeth and obtains victory. Macduff articulates, “Behold where stands/ The usurper’s cursèd head. The time is free./ I see thee compassed with thy kingdom’s pearl,/ That speak my salutation in their minds,/ Whose voices I desire aloud with mine” (IV.ix.25-29). Macduff assassinating Macbeth is the end result of Macbeth’s guilt as his thoughtless actions lead to his death; similarly to his

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