The Truman Show Essay

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The film, The Truman Show, documents the life of the main protagonist, Truman Burbank, who is filmed on a twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week basis, with all of this being broadcasted live and universally. Truman has been filmed since the day of birth, however he is completely oblivious to all of this, including the fact that all of his family and friends are played by actors. This entirely simulated world has enabled the show’s producers to direct every aspect of Truman’s life. That said, on the show’s 30th anniversary, Truman gradually begins to discern irregularities within his daily life. Consequently, he utilizes the ways of knowing, emotion, language, perception, intuition and reason, in order to come to terms with how his life was not his own. The show’s producers are capable of influencing Truman’s emotions, as they are the ones orchestrating all of the events that occur in his day-to-day life,…show more content…
It is only when small events begin to happen that make Truman question what is real and what is fake. Truman utilizes the ways of knowing of emotion, language, perception, intuition and reason to decipher that everything in his life so far has been fake, because it has all been concocted in order to entertain audiences around the world. Some of the ways of knowing involved other people, while others pertained to Truman as an individual. The film raises issues such as whether we are all truly aware of what reality is, especially with the character who played the director in the film, Cristof, saying “we accept the reality of the world which we are presented” as well as issues concerning how much we can trust those who are supposed to be our friends and family if they play to our emotions because Truman was betrayed by every single person he thought he

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