Gender Roles In Everyday By David Levithan

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While many people use gender as a synonym for sex, these two terms have very different meanings. Sex classifies whether a person is biologically a male or a female; that is strictly genetic and dependent on whether they have a y chromosome or not. On the other hand, gender is an identity that every human being has the liberty to choose for him or herself. Far too often, however, people associate certain gender identities with specific roles, traits, and stereotypes. In Everyday, by David Levithan, Levithan creates a genderless character called A. By not classifying A’s gender, Levithan forces the reader to assume A’s gender. Through an account of A’s experiences occupying a different body each day, Levithan demonstrates society’s ill tendency to assume gender identities based upon what is considered the usual. In addition, Levithan asks the 21st century a pivotal question: do sex and gender really matter?…show more content…
Because of this and the fact that many people have never read a book in which the main character was neither male nor female, most readers directly assume A’s gender. Some readers recognize some of the bold and dominant characteristics displayed by A throughout the book, and they use those to label A as a male. This is not done out of mal intent. The issue is that males have always been the dominant sexes in their communities since the beginning of time. So even now that equality is a very foundational value in many people’s minds, the gender norm cannot be shaken off so easily. Ultimately, the long-standing stereotypes that have been implanted in society lead many readers to the assumption that A is a

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