Dashain Festival In Nepalan

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Dashain is the greatest and propitious festival of Nepalese people. Like other cultural celebration, it is also based on the lunar calendar and falls in the months of September and October. Nepalese observed this festival for 10 days from the new moon day to the full moon day and it also celebrated throughout the globe. Dashain is a festival of great delight, enthusiasm and happiness. This festival’s value is on family gathering as well as renewal of community truss. Those people who were away from their home return back to their home country and celebrate this festivals. During the time of Dashain, the weather is fair and warm. There is no more dirt in the city. People get relief from their tiring season of plantations and weddings. All…show more content…
Due to migration, there are many similarities between Indian and Nepalese music. Nepalese Devotional music is highly expressed by this festival. Some sensational Nepalese folk’s songs are played during this time. Dashain is also reflected through the music. Each day folk and cultural song are played in every radio station as well as in Nepalese home. Many of them also listen to sacred devotional song and pray to their god and goddess. Some people usually go to other home and sing a song, play music completion and enjoy their time. Music is a part of happiness and celebration in this festival. People try to forget all theirs hurdle by listening devotional music. Media such as radio and television publish wishes and greetings through the…show more content…
Without food, the description of Dashain is never complete. Like turkey in Thanksgiving, good food in plenty holds indistinguishable importance for Dashain. However, Nepalese did not have only one particular food that they can enjoy during this festival. Nepalese have plentyfood and that is the beauty of it all. Every household has meat during the time of Dashain. In the entire five days, We served guests with various delicacies of meat, khasi (goat meat) being the most popular in many homes. Though people enjoyed eating vegetables in every season. In September and October there is special warmth towards cauliflower and spinach. People who do not afford for the meat have these vegetables. The main reason behind this could be the permanent love of Nepali people towards these vegetables. Almost all Nepalese loves

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