In the story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, there is a man named Walter Mitty. Walter lives his life mainly by fulfilling his mind with daydThroughout the story Mitty has daydreams of being a pilot to even being in a court of law. The smallest things can trigger him to switch from reality to his imagination, even the outcome of a sentence.reams. Although he is married his wife is very controlling and nagging so to escape his reality with his life he daydreams. There are many similarities
In this essay I will be describing the similarities and differences between the book and movie versions of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Throughout the book version of this story there were a lot r ae specific details that were made very clear; such as Walter having a wife. In the move Walter did not have a wife and he was actually trying to date this girl that he worked with. Between both the book and the movie there are details that have changed just like the ones that I just talked about, and