The Salem Witch Trials In 1692 And Mccarthyism In The 1950's

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Are witches real or was it all hysteria? Hysteria can spread like wildfires and grow out of proportion. That is true for the instances of The Salem Witch Trials in 1692 and McCarthyism in the 1950’s. The Salem Witch Trials took place during the year 1692. The young girls of Salem were seen in the woods dancing around a fire with Tituba, Rev. Parris’s slave that practiced witchcraft as her religion. The next morning Parris’s daughter Betty was found in a coma like state, inert in her bed. Parris sent for Rev. Hale, an expert in witchcraft, to handle the problem. Hysteria grew within the town as people began to accuse others of witchcraft. The accusers could get away with their accusations, because the people of the town were very religious

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